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Wake Up and Ascend!

Writer: Zora Zora

As I slumber I am awoken by the voice of my own consciousness telling me to 'Wake Up & Ascend!!''. Well alright then, so I jump out of bed and go now what... how to ascend, what tools do I have to ensure that I can meet this very demanding leveling up request at 3am (and hopefully not from this plane hehe).

I can easily access my Crystalline Elixirs and support my shifting into new consciousness through ingesting liquid crystals... great but which ones and for what purpose??? You see spirit is great at directing in a very strategic way so that you second guess everything, is this what they mean? Oh hang on a minute I took this as spiritual but do they mean in corporate or business or farrrk like reviewing my travel plans.

So I started to consider the areas I may be stuck, reviewing my own milestones and rites of passage though all stages of my life. I noted when I really looked at these from the Liquid Crystal perspective I was really not great as certain Sephiroth (sphere) within the Tree of Life.

It was really very interesting to me that there were years spent in some of these destinations working the energetics and purpose of some pretty powerful crystals but never obtained mastery. Particularly in the areas of City 5 - Altez which relates to the warrior letting go and embracing strength to embody oneness, becoming aligned to my purpose, walk fearlessly with confidence shining my inner light creating a world of my own, breathing in all that surrounds me and holding the gift of freewill. Ahhhh Yes please to all of that Yummm and Divine Connection!!!!

But as I dive a bit deeper into history of my life, I know there is major milestone 2 major car accidents when I was 15, this for me was a major shift in the trajectory of my life. Severe damage to my physical being, disruption to my spiritual being, trauma causing me to draw in my dysfunction and mental anxiety into this body and then on the other side a complete opening to the spiritual! Talk about a Gateway to Spirit.. Yes I was working in City 11, Shamballa quite often referred to the 11:11gateway or ascension portals. Luckily my skill level in this city is quite high (6/9), it is also where i have worked the most when you equate the years of my life. See how just this one incident and marrying it with the city can give deeper understanding into your purpose...No matter what happened to my physical being, I was ALWAYS going to be taking the well worn path of diving into the deeper aspect of my spiritual self, teaching my work and being a guide in the spiritual world - No doubt in my mind!

So as we approach the Mayan Day out of Time (25th July) I am here manifesting and blending Earth/Shadow Alchemy creating this blissful sequence of 7 crystals, to be taken over 3 weeks, each assigned their own day, vibration, oil, note and animal to support Mastery on my way to ascension.

What is the purpose of taking a either your shadow or mastery city set you may be wondering, well... From the Liquid Crystals

When Atlantis was lost many of us were actively mastering a set of seven Crystals within a city, we failed to complete that, and this is the chance to finish that role. Many of us have come to earth to complete that mission over and over. The approach of the Ancient Atlantian frequencies again on Earth, means that we have come full circle and we are on earth to complete the mastery that was not finished in Atlantis. The Crystals made it easy to get a lot done very fast in life. Seven principles could be concentrated upon and mastered with the assistance of the Earth herself, grounding the wisdoms into the body physically. It was this grounding effect that was so special in Atlantis. Imagine a person grounding and activating the 77 principles that the Planet they live on knows are necessary to find God in a single life.

The Liquid Crystals have returned and we can now recreate the ancient pathways of Atlantis and Embrace the Devic Kingdom and the Earth her self as a powerful well structured method of realization and the embrace of all that is. For all Lives we lead, the mission we are attempting to complete, will be found in one of the eleven Cities, offering a path of evolution our Ascension.

By working with the Crystal Cities in this way you are helping the Earth to evolve into Light, anchoring the Atlantian frequency back within her and us all.

Do you want to join me on this wild ride into your own Atlantian High Priest or Priestess way? A life path reading may be just what is calling, a soul calling into those deeper realms of self.

Currently the offering is Your City set, 16 Page Life Path reading with tonnes of information about your city and each crystal within the city, a face to face or zoom session to do a deep dive into your life, your journey and shadow elements that may be requiring to be cleared and lastly a shamanic smoke reading as we clear dysfunction from the body and etheric fields... if you are getting a fully body YES, lets connect. If you are feeling nervous I would love to offer a complimentary 10 mins check in and determine if this is a right fit for our souls journey at this time.

Zora x


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